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Here are Our Latest Publications

VIDEO: The IT Department – A Key Business Partner
John Bredesen, Business IT Consultant & Author, and Michael Bergstrom, SCS President, discuss how IT is and should be a key business partner. Watch our latest video and learn how to ban silos, map strategies and encourage better integration.

SCS Offers Customizable Power BI Training
Superior Consulting Services offers a fully customizable Power BI Training, led by expert Brian Larson, SCS Chief Creative Officer and Partner. Larson is a Power BI and SQL Server expert and nationally recognized speaker and author [link to bio].

VIDEO: Making the Most Out of Your Data – Reporting & Analytics
John Bredesen, Business IT Consultant & Author, and Brian Larson, Chief Creative Officer & Partner, discuss taking data visualization in new directions in SCS’s latest video. Our experts take note that data analytics is more than just reports and scorecards—it’s seeing things past, present, ...

Improve Your Performance and Profitability Today

SCS uses best-in-class tools to deliver database, reporting and data platform and analytics solutions. We partner with your team to develop custom solutions.

Q & A with Superior Consulting Services (SCS) Founder, John Miller 
Superior Consulting Services (SCS) celebrates 25 years of technology consulting in 2022. What began as a two-person show focused on using technology to solve business problems, is now a thriving consulting firm with 20+ associates. Now 534 clients later, that commitment to creating technology ...

Long-Time Consultant Reflects on a Memorable Project
We asked long-time application development consultant, Michael Walsh to reflect on a significant memory from his 23+ years with SCS. “I remember in 1999, I was supporting an agricultural cooperative with 600+ stores across several states. There was a point of sales shut down in hundreds of stores ...

Power BI Python Visualizations – Adding a Vertical Line to a Graph
Power BI has a great selection of visualizations that are both incredibly easy to implement, and cover most of the functionality that users have grown accustomed to. However, there are some scenarios that fall outside of the abilities that the Power BI native visualizations offer, as well as ...

SCS – 25 Years of Technology Consulting
Superior Consulting Services is 25 years old! That means I have been an SCS employee for 25 years. How did that happen? It seems like only yesterday I was walking into our little first-floor office suite over on the Highway 13 frontage road, shaking hands with SCS founder, John Miller, and finding ...

The IT Director: Where IT and Business Meet
The point of the IT department is to help the organization succeed. To do this, we need to understand that organization and the world it operates in. In addition, we must understand technology products, services, and trends enough to know how to apply them to our organization. We must understand ...

Ask the IT Director: Finding Time To Improve IT Processes
Dear IT Director, Help! We are running around with our hair on fire, working on too many business projects. Our IT processes need help, but we don’t have any time to improve them. Overwhelmed in Omaha Dear Overwhelmed, I feel your pain. The list of changes the business needs is long and you want to ...

The IT Director: Throttle For Change: How Organizations Should Think About IT
Organizations have IT departments, but they don’t always understand how the IT department can best help. Yes, we keep the computers running. But there can be more than that. Much more.

Ask The IT Director: Cantujust Dilemma
Dear IT Director, People seem to think that IT has an “easy button.” That we can just make simple changes and slap it into production quickly. How can I respond to this nonsense? Frustrated in Fresno Dear Frustrated, I feel your pain on this. As with most jobs, there are details in our work that ...

Ask the IT Director: Upgrades Get Blamed For Everything
Dear IT Director, We upgraded one of our major systems last year. We had some glitches, but overall it went fairly well. Here we are a year later, and people still blame the upgrade when they have problems. Very frustrating! Upgraded in Upton Dear Upgraded, Hahaha! HAHAHA! C’mon, laugh with me. ...

Questions to Ask Regarding Your Company’s Data and Analytics for a More Successful 2022
Another year is quickly coming to a close. Unfortunately, 2021 did not turn out to be the year of “putting the pandemic behind us” that we hoped for. Despite that, we hope you saw this year as a turning point and are starting to see a trend toward better times ahead.

Improve Your Performance and Profitability Today

SCS uses best-in-class tools to deliver database, reporting and data platform and analytics solutions. We partner with your team to develop custom solutions.

Backups – The Who What Where Why When and How
Who should do backups?

I Love Manufacturing
I have worked at manufacturing companies for most of my career. There were a few university jobs first, but when I got the IT job at 3M, I was hooked. The sheer number of products they made was mind-blowing. I worked in the IT department supporting the engineers that designed the equipment for the ...

IT Leaders: Supporting a Staff Retirement
If you are an IT leader long enough, you will deal with a team member’s retirement. While similar to any person leaving a position, you may get more than two weeks notice, which can be helpful.

Prioritizing IT Work: The Challenges
How can we prioritize effectively in the IT department? We start by understanding that there is not a separate set of priorities for IT. The priorities of the organization are the priorities of IT. We must be able to say that IT is always performing the work that is most important to the ...